Privacy and Protection Policy
1. General Provisions
1.1. website (hereinafter referred to as the Website) is owned by Iuliia
Yuriivna Omelchenko, Individual Entrepreneur, Taxpayer Identification Number: 3338608807
(hereinafter referred to as the Owner).
1.2. The Owner undertakes to protect the personal data of all individuals - buyers using the
Website (hereinafter referred to as the Buyers), therefore he seeks to protect confidentiality
of personal data (information or a set of information about an individual who is or can be
identified), thereby creating and ensuring the most comfortable environment for using the
website for each Buyer.
1.3. This Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy (hereinafter referred to as the “Policy”)
sets out the procedure for processing personal data, the types of personal data collected,
the purposes for which such personal data is used, interaction with third parties, security
measures to protect personal data, terms of access to personal data, as well as contact
information for the user regarding access, modification, blocking or deletion of his or her
personal data, and handling any questions the user may have about data protection
1.4. The purpose of this Policy is to ensure proper protection of information about the Buyer,
including his or her personal data, from unauthorized access and disclosure.
1.5. The current version of the Privacy Policy is a public document developed by the Owner
and available to any Buyer.

2. Buyer’s Personal Information Processed by the Website
2.1. When used in this Policy, personal information means:
2.1.1. Information provided by the Buyer independently when registering (creating an
account) or using the Website, including the Buyer’s personal data. Required information is
marked in a special way. Other information is provided by the User at his or her discretion;
2.1.2. Data that is automatically transmitted to the Website when used via software installed
on the Buyer’s device, including IP address, cookie data, information about the Buyer’s
browser (or another program used to access the Website), specifications of equipment and
software used by the Buyer, date and time of access to the Website, URLs of requested
pages and other similar information;
2.1.3. Other information about the Buyer, the processing of which is provided for by the
Website terms of use.
2.2. This Policy applies only to information processed while using the Website. The Owner
will not control and will not be liable for information processing by third-party websites, the
Buyer can visit using the links available on the Website.
2.3. The Owner will not verify the accuracy of the personal information provided by the Buyer
and will be unable to assess his or her capacity.

3. Purposes for Collecting and Processing Buyer’s Personal Information
3.1. The Owner will collect and store only such personal information that is required to
render services or execute agreements and contracts with the Buyer, except where the law
provides for the mandatory storage of personal information during a period specified by law.
3.2. The Owner will process the Buyer’s personal information to:
3.2.1. Identify the party in view of services, agreements and contracts with the Owner;
3.2.2. Deliver personalized services to the Buyer and execute agreements and contracts;
3.2.3. Send notiсes, requests and information regarding Website use, perform agreements
and contracts, as well as process the Buyer’s requests and orders;
3.2.4. Improve Website quality and usability for the Buyer, develop new services;
3.2.5. Target advertising materials;
3.2.6. Conduct statistical studies and other research based on anonymized data.

4. Processing Buyer’s Personal Information and Transferring It to Third Parties
4.1. The Buyer’s personal information will be kept confidential, except when the Buyer
voluntarily makes information about himself or herself public.
4.2. The Owner may transfer the Buyer’s personal information to third parties in the following
4.3.1. The Buyer has agreed to such actions;
4.3.2. The transfer is required to enable the Buyer to use a certain service or perform a
certain agreement or contract with the Buyer;
4.3.3. The transfer is required for the Website to function;
4.3.4. The transfer is provided for by Ukrainian or other applicable law as part of a statutory
4.3.5. Such transfer occurs as part of sale or other transfer of business (in whole or in part).
In this case, the acquirer will assume all obligations to comply with this Policy with respect to
the personal information received by it;
4.3.6. To make it possible to protect the Owner’s or third parties’ rights and legitimate
interests in cases where the Buyer violates the Website User Agreement, this Policy, or
documents containing the terms of use of specific services.
4.3.7. Anonymized data obtained as a result of anonymization of the Buyer’s personal
information is transferred to a third party for research, work or services as instructed by the
4.4. Personal information will be processed using the following principles:
  • legality of the purposes and methods of personal information processing and good faith;
  • compliance of the purposes for processing personal information with the purposes predetermined and declared when collecting personal information;
  • compliance of the scope and nature of personal information processed with the procedures and purposes for personal information processing;
  • prohibition to combine databases with personal information created for incompatible purposes.
5. Storing and Deleting Personal Information
5.1. The Buyer’s personal information will be stored solely on the Owner’s electronic media
and will be used solely for the purpose stipulated hereby. The Owner’s location: Diamond
Business Center, 4 Vatslava Havela Boulevard, Kyiv, Ukraine.
5.2. The Buyer’s personal information will be stored for an unlimited period, unless otherwise
provided by the laws of Ukraine or the Buyer’s will.
5.3. The Buyer’s personal information will be destroyed on the Buyer’s request or at the
Owner’s discretion with no reason given by deleting the information specified by the Buyer.

6. Processing Personal Information Using Cookies and Counters
6.1. The Owner may use cookies transmitted by the Website to the Buyer’s equipment and
by the Buyer’s equipment to the Website to deliver personalized services to the Buyer, to
target advertisements shown to the Buyer, for statistical and research purposes, as well as
to improve the Website.
6.2. The Buyer is aware that the equipment and software used by the Buyer to visit Internet
websites may have a cookie-blocking feature (for any websites or for certain websites) and
have the function to clear previous cookies.
6.3. Cookie structure, content and technical parameters will be determined by the Owner
and may be changed without prior notice to the Buyer.
6.4. Counters placed by the Owner may be used to analyze the Buyer’s cookies, to collect
and process statistical information about Website usage, as well as to ensure performance
of the Website as a whole or its separate functions in particular. Counter specifications will
be determined by the Owner and may be changed without prior notice to the Buyer.

7. Privacy of Buyer’s Personal Information
7.1. The Website will take the necessary and sufficient administrative and technical
measures to protect the Buyer’s personal information from unauthorized or accidental
access, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from other illegal
actions taken with respect thereto by third parties.

8. Changes to Privacy Policy
8.1. The Website may amend this Privacy Policy. In case of amendments, the current
version will specify the date of the latest revision. The new version of the Policy will come
into force upon posting, unless otherwise provided by the new version of the Policy. The
current version is always available at

9. Contacting with questions about personal data
9.1. The User may send all suggestions, questions, inquiries and other requests regarding
this Policy and the use of his or her personal data to the Website by:
  • e-mail at
  • mail to Diamond Business Center, 4 Vatslava Havela Boulevard, Kyiv, Ukraine
Publication Date: December 1, 2021

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All rights reserved © 2023 | Iuliia Omelchenko, Individual Entrepreneur | TIN 3338608807